Angela Smith
Official Site of
Writer, Researcher, & Screenwriter
Read my Flash Fiction
The Christmas Mug
The production of this e-book involved several steps and processes. Polishing the e-book content. Building, formatting, and programming the manuscript following industry standards to create e-book files that would be compatible with multiple devices. Finally, uploading the e-book for publication and distribution, and creating marketing material for it.


Angela Smith, is a writer, researcher, and screenwriter who specializes in writing comedy, fantasy, drama, mystery, and horror. She is obtaining her Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Creative Writing at Full Sail University.
Angela is proud to be nominated and accepted a membership into The National Society of Collegiate Scholars. Angela is an OCD clean freak and had a classified clearance in the military.

My press release written to solicit reviews for my recently published e-book.
Word Count: 348
I worked hard writing this press release and story bible. The story bible taught me how to do real research. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did making them.
Angela Smith,
Christmas Chronicles Press Release
This "Story Bible" is a reference document and style guide that establishes the standards for the writing, design, and production for the short story, known as “The Moon Emerald.” It details and outlines the characters, culture, history, landscape, and other aspects of the story's "world" and would be used by the writer to maintain continuity and consistency over the course of the project.
Word Count: 10,157
Angela Smith,
The Moon Emerald
Story bible

Amarel wakes up one day to find the inhabitants of her town are missing. She finds clues along the way, and a friend named Sam. The town thought that she would be best person to leave behind. They underestimated how far she would go to find them.
Check out my newest screenplay Secret City! (^-^)~
Here's Amarel's website and blog!