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Flash Fiction
“The Christmas Fairy,” is a sweet tale with a lot of magic and Santa Claus too.
Word Count: 382
“Christmas Overseas,” is about Lucas, a military man serving overseas during Christmas time. Lucas struggles with the horrors of military life. Will he be okay away from home this year?
Word Count: 881
Short story
“Queen Alice,” is a story about Alice, who becomes a queen in a wondrous place. She
finds young love and a new home.
Word Count: 1,162
Sublime Salon is a dramatic comedy about Mimi, a timid employee who is trying to help a homeless woman, but her snooty boss is standing in her way.
Page Count: 9
Ambrosia is the protagonist in this vampire love story, or is she the antagonist? Press read now to find out what happens in “Immortal Beauty.”
Page Count: 6
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